For Whom the Bell Tolls: III

Hey, who knew this was a bi-weekly column?! Well, my apologies, I will try to keep on deadline from now on, I’m back in school so I will be a bit more acclimated to structure and the like. So here is my review column.

Music: Tiger Army, Tiger Army II: The Power of Moonlight This album is a clusterfuck of good old fashioned rock ‘n roll and hyper-energized punk rock. Better know as Psychobilly in it’s small but intense scene, this music is a God send. Anyone who appreciates the days of simple melodic rock and the intensity of punk will love this album. Some of the songs are pure Rockabilly (that is pre-Elvis rock), such as the country influenced ballad, “In the Orchard,” while others are as intense as punk rock gets, like “F.T.W”. (i.e. “Fuck the World”). Most of the other songs are a good mixture of the two, some a bit more twang, others a bit more thrash. My favorite, and an excellent representation of their sound, is “Cupid’s Victim”. Wonderful imagery in all the tracks, they stick to the monster/Sci-Fi theme of Psychobilly without sounding cheesy. I’ve seen these guys (they opened for Rancid at Roseland this fall), and they put on a great show. Go pick this album up now!!
Star Rating: 4.5

Literature: Everything is Illuminated, Jonathan Safran-Foer. If you can get through A Clockwork Orange, this is the book for you. A bit less complicated, the novel delves into the complexities of the English language, and more specifically, the complexities that arise for those who are unfamiliar with it. Safran-Foer is truly a mastermind of the English language. The story is split in threes: a journey of a Ukraine man and his backwards English and bizarre behavior, the search of a young American Jew for the woman who saved his family from the Nazi invasion and their post-adventure correspondence. It is both oddly comical and poignant. The story is woven brilliantly and is truly a work of art.
Star Rating: 5
Well my little chicks, it is about time I quit regaling you with my tales of anti-social behavior and let you get back to your quite little lives. I urge you all to pick up the above items as they are both superb… bonus points to all of you who actually go out and buy them (points to be redeemed for prize that will be announced at the later date). Good day to you!

One reply on “For Whom the Bell Tolls: III”

good job, and thanx for the tiger army CD it was the perfect gift!

no seriously, good article, short but sweet this week

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